An Important Message from Your Child’s Pediatrician
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Masks are an important tool in preventing the spread of COVID-19, especially when coupled with hand hygiene and physical distancing. Masks are particularly important for children younger than 12 who are not yet eligible for the vaccine. The vast majority of children ages 2 and older, including many with medical conditions, can safely wear masks throughout the school day or at childcare.
Mask exemptions
We have received many requests (and in some cases, demands) from you, as parents/guardians, to sign medical exemption forms so your children do not have to wear masks at their schools. As parents ourselves, we empathize with your fear, your frustration, and your exhaustion after 18 months of a global pandemic.
As medical professionals, however, we will continue to follow the science, data, and best practices. As a result, we will only sign a form if your child has a medical condition or developmental history that warrants it. As healthcare professionals, we will always do what’s best for our patients, and for nearly all children, that means wearing their masks.
Mask myths
We understand some of you have concerns about the safety of masks and want to address a few common misconceptions. Proper face masks:
- do not reduce oxygen intake or lead to low blood oxygen levels;
- do not interfere with lung development;
- do not trap carbon dioxide; and
- do not weaken the immune system.
Our commitment
You have entrusted your child’s care to us, which is a privilege we don’t take lightly. Please continue to trust us to keep your child healthy.
The ongoing pandemic is challenging. We must work together, with mutual respect and understanding, to get through this. We do believe that brighter, better days are ahead.
Thank you,
CHOC Primary Care